Just Room Enough Island

 ¿Qué ver en Just room enough island, Islas thousand?

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Just Room Enough Island is a tiny island located in the Thousand Islands region of Canada. The island is unique in that it is just large enough to accommodate a single house. The house was built in the 1950s by the Sizeland family, who wanted a private vacation spot where they could get away from it all.

There are no official hours or prices for visiting the island as it is privately owned and not open to the public. However, visitors can view the island from a boat tour of the Thousand Islands region.

There are many other attractions in the Thousand Islands region, including Boldt Castle, Singer Castle, and the Thousand Islands Bridge. These attractions have varying hours and prices, so it is recommended to check their official websites for more information.

The official website for the Thousand Islands region is www.visit1000islands.com.

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